Smart Safety Solutions for Lone Workers

ANGEL React at one glace

🚨 ANGEL React stands for automated emergency systems from ADRESYS.

👷‍♂️Our solutions ensure greater safety for lone workers and mobile workers in the industrial and electrical sectors.

🦺 In the event of an accident at work, personal emergency contacts are notified by voice call, email and text message.

⚡ ANGEL React ensures that help is called at lightning speed.


Our emergency call solutions automatically detect accidents

Electrical accidents
Fall accidents

ANGEL React adapts to your individual emergency call chain

Our products

Our basic products adapt flexibly to your everyday work. The Clip system detects motionlessness and fall accidents, and is therefore our highlight when it comes to lone working. The Shirt system also detects electrical accidents and is suitable for lone working as well. Our intelligent shirts are available in different versions. The Location Beacon provides precise location information in large areas and also covers areas without a GPS signal (e.g. basements, tunnels, buildings). The Watchdog can trigger an emergency-off.


the world of occupational safety

Clip system

The ANGEL React Clip system combines user-friendliness with high safety at work. The Clip Genius is central to the system: it detects an emergency and instantly sets the emergency call chain in motion if needed.

Shirt system T-Shirt

The intelligent T-Shirt combines comfortable workwear with emergency call systems. It‘s available in your corporate colors and can be printed to your specifications with a company logo and slogan.

Accessories Watchdog

The Watchdog is an add-on for the ANGEL React Shirt and Clip systems that responds to workplace
accidents within milliseconds. In the event of an electrical accident, motionlessness or fall
accident, it trips the integrated potential free contact and can trigger an emergency-off circuit.

Accessoires Location Beacon

The Location Beacon gives location information for areas that lack a stable GPS signal. It connects
seamlessly with the Shirt and Clip Genius, allowing you to find the injured in cellars,
tunnels, or buildings faster.

tailor-made solutions

It would be best if you had support in implementing the new emergency call solutions? We offer a compact selection of valuable services to simplify your daily work. Our DNA is innovation.

What our customers say

With the ANGEL React Clip System, our employees can do their work more safely and flexibly. The clip system does not interfere with their work and we have no unnecessary false alarms, with the added benefit of sufficient location accuracy.

Erwin Gößler, MM Frohnleiten GmbH

Perfect for lone working and the safety of our employees. The ANGEL React is barely noticeable to the wearer. The partnership with the Haberkorn online store is a particular advantage for us. We are satisfied and have also passed on the recommendation to other locations.

Angelina Koenig, AT&S

The ANGEL React Clip System is a super addition to occupational safety. Our trainers have been able to test the system over the past few months, and the feedback has been excellent! Simple, robust and flexible! An interesting solution for many industries where employees are not constantly working under supervision.

Rene Hynek, Safety Certification GmbH

The ANGEL React systems are cost-effective, smart solutions that also function very reliably and therefore make everyday work safer.

Felix Simm, Post Schweiz

A good and simple solution. There are always situations in companies where employees work alone.

Patrick Bucher, Atomic

I would really recommend this product. We have very good experiences with using the system. It is easy to install and good translations of the user manual. This product has made it safer for us to work alone. To this day, we use one Clip system for the production and it is working in every condition we operate in it – doesn’t matter if it is outdoor, inside, wet or cold conditions. It has never been a problem with signal or connections. I would also like to highlight the follow-up and customer support from ANGEL React, fast and easy!

Lars-Jøran Gusjås, Pilkington Norge AS

My assessment of the Clip Genius: in a word – brilliant! The best I know of for similar functions. Simple, uncomplicated, secure and extremely reliable. On some alarm messages, I have even had GPS positions with 2 meters accuracy.

Virgílio Marques da Silva, Acciona Portugal


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