ANGEL React Watchdog

Minimizes the accident severity

Our emergency call solutions automatically detect accidents

Electrical accidents
Fall accidents

Three reasons in favour of the watchdog

🚨 Emergency stop for electrical accidents, motionlessness and fall accidents

⌚ Reacts in milliseconds

👷‍♂️ Minimises the severity of the accident

WORK 4.0

It ensures more work safety in stationary and non-stationary operations when working in low- and high-voltage ranges.

Electrical accidents, falling accidents and motionlessness

The ANGEL React Shirt System detects voltage incidents, falls and no motion and notifies emergency contacts.

Acoustic emergency alarm

In an emergency, the Watchdog informs the surroundings via an acoustic signal. Also the Genius sends optical and acustical signals.

Power supply via USB-C connection

The Watchdog is charged with a power supply unit or battery via USB-C mobile or stationary.

Minimises the severity of accidents

The watchdog switches off after only a few milliseconds. This minimises the severity of the accident. It reacts faster than a human could ever do.

Works with the ANGEL React Shirt System

The watchdog connects to the shirt system via Bluetooth®. The Watchdog switches off the circuit if the ANGEL React Shirt System detects a voltage incident.

Switches off within milliseconds

This can prevent the consequences of accidents such as cardiovascular failure or burns.

Not just for one employee

Up to five colleagues can be connected to a Watchdog simultaneously.

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Our products can be individually combined

Clip system

The ANGEL React Clip system combines user-friendliness with high safety at work. The Clip Genius is central to the system: it detects an emergency and instantly sets the emergency call chain in motion if needed.

Shirt system T-Shirt

The intelligent T-Shirt combines comfortable workwear with emergency call systems. It‘s available in your corporate colors and can be printed to your specifications with a company logo and slogan.

Accessoires Location Beacon

The Location Beacon provides location information in areas without a stable GPS signal. It
can be seamlessly connected to the Shirt and Clip Genius, which means that the injured person can be found quickly in basements, tunnels or buildings.

Tailor-made solutions

It would be best if you had support in implementing the new emergency call solutions? We offer a compact selection of valuable services
to simplify your daily work. Our DNA is innovation.