Our brand metamorphosis: ANGEL becomes ANGEL React

ANGEL is now called ANGEL React

What happened?

⚡ Our product portfolio is growing and has earned its brand.
🐱‍🏍 ADRESYS is now our experts’ new, old employer brand.
🎉 React describes what our systems do without exception: react and get help.

🤫 Pssst… Stay tuned! Next week we will finally air our new product.

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Ready for an emergency: A guide to emergency call systems and first aiders

Winter has arrived and brings with it an increased risk of accidents. Whether it’s icy roads or poorly lit paths, the cold season requires even more safety measures. In the following blog post, you can find out how to get your company safely through the winter months.

Getting home safely at night. That’s what it’s about.

Johann Beck from Beck-Elektro in Vorarlberg is an enthusiast when it comes to ANGEL. In an interview, he explains why he chose the shirt system and what benefit it brings to his everyday work.

Bild einer Person an einem textilen Arbeitsplatz

Interview with Texible

ANGEL is our venture to produce innovative and intelligent textile systems. Interdisciplinary cooperation with our partners is of utmost importance. Hence, we would love to introduce Thomas Fröis and his team from Texible GmbH.